Menasha's Winter Gala was a Success
The Doty Island Development Council, with the Neenah-Menasha Fire Department, volunteered at the Menasha Park & Rec's annual Winter Gala. This year the weather cooperated (sunny 26F) while professionals and non-professionals created their snow sculpture masterpieces.
There were a few improvements this year. The event was moved to the Smith Park pavilion where tall heaters offered attendees a place to warm and eat their chili, cookies and hot chocolate. In addition to the sculptures the community attendees particpated in soap carving, winter golf, snow hockey and cross-country skiing.
There was a donation bucket available for those attendees that wanted to contribute to the new, upgraded Santa Float planned for the Neenah-Menasha Fire Department. We collected $500 in donations!
It was a fantastic event. We hope you can join us next year!