Doty Island ButterBraid on Sale NOW!
The Doty Island Development Council is currently selling Butter Braids for $16 each until Tuesday, March 19th. For those of you that are die-hard Butter Braid fans - and there's MANY of you - order yours on this link: The website has you choose a person to buy from. It doesn't matter as long as you add your contact info!
If you refer to order directly from your favorite Doty Island Council member, just email us and we will put you in touch with them! Our email is:
Butter Braids are not available in store. They are individually packaged frozen pastry dough. To make them, you remove them from the freezer, let rise in a warm room for a few hours and then bake them. They come in 8 flavors including: Apple, Blueberry/Cream Cheese, Cinnamon, Cream Cheese, Raspberry, Strawberry/Cream Cheese - and two roll flavors: Caramel Rolls with caramel glaze (my favorite!) and Cinnamon Rolls w/ cream cheese icing.
The orders will arrive on Tuesday, March 26th at 3:00pm at the E.D. Smith Building. Your DIDC board member will happily drop them off for you, but if you prefer to pick them up, meet us at there.
Thank you for supporting the Doty Island community!
