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Halloween Happenings!

If you are looking for fun Halloween-themed activities in the next couple weeks, please continue reading this article!


Saturday, October 15th (1pm - 3pm)

* Chili Cookoff starts at 1pm! Sample and enjoy homemade chili and cast your vote for the favorite.

* Trunk or Treat - Trick or treat through the St. Paul's parking lot of decorated cars on your way into the festival.

* Carnival Games - Win prizes or play for fun with activities like bean bag toss, face-painting, wheel of prizes, and more!


Saturday, October 15th (9am to Noon)

9am to Noon - Games & Trick or Treating with Farm Market vendors in the park.

10am to Noon - Trick or Treating in Downtown Neenah

9:55am - Gather for costumes judging at the concrete seat walls on the concert lawn in Shattuck Park.

Costume Contest: Prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place in each group by the contest sponsor, Camera Case Wireless. All children will receive a treat for participating. The three age groups are: Infant to 4 years old, 5pm - 8pm years old and 9am and over.


Thursday, October 27th (4pm to 6pm)

Trick or treating will take place throughout downtown at the market vendor booths and downtown businesses from Racine Street to Tayco Street.

* Free photos taken at the AwwSnap Photo Booth

* Free apple cider from Doty Island Development Council

* Live music from Kurt Stein's School of Music

* Carnival games from Fun Pros

* Water provided by Walgreens

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