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Doty Island's Rock the Block 2017

The Doty Island Development Council (DIDC) has invited Ryan Roth (Habitat For Humanity) to speak to our board on Thursday, September 22nd at the Whiting Boathouse - and members are invited! Ryan will be discussing how Rock the Block will impact Doty Island, what's needed from the community for a successful Rock the Block Campaign and what's needed to plan the Doty Island Rock the Block scheduled for fall of 2017. This will be your opportunity to ask questions about how next year's event will affect your community.

All family members are invited to attend. We ask if you'd like to participate in the pizza party at 6pm, please contribute $5 towards the cost of the pizza. All money collected will purchase pizza and breadsticks from Luigis Pizza. Water and soda will be available to all attendees, but please bring your own alcoholic drinks. Please RSVP! We need to know how many chairs to set up and ensure we have enough drinks for everyone!

Following the speaker, DIDC will have its regularly scheduled meeting. The meetings are always open to the public, so you are welcome to stay! We will be discussing: our next newsletter (new format), our benefactor to our annual fundraiser, and proposed revisions to our by-laws.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Jacy Park at (920) 479-0894. We hope to see you there!

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