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Thank you to Flower Box Sponsors!


Thank you to the volunteers and sponsor who are responsible for our beautiful flower boxes located along Commercial Street and Forest Avenue (volunteers/sponsors listed inside this article). Doty Island has 24 flower boxes lining our most traffic'd areas which help to bring color and beautification to our community.


The flower boxes are close to 20 years old - and about 6 of them need to be replaced in the next couple of years. The Doty Island Development Council is currently evaluating which boxes need to be replaced and where to source them. We understand that the many layers of paint will not hold the cement box together forever. Already many of the cement tops are crumbling and cracking.


Every year the planters are beautiful, but there are a lot of people behind the scenes that deserve recognition. THANK YOU to the following people and businesses in supporting our Doty Island Planters:

* Dani Rand (DIDC Board Member) - Secured sponsors for this year and lead the volunteers to accomplish our end result.

* Flo Bruno and Theresa Granados (Doty Island Residents) -Prepared the planters for spring and choose the plants for the planters at ACE Hardware.

* Congregational United Church of Christ (CUCC) - Volunteers from this church spend a morning with the Doty Island Team (Dani, Flo and Theresa) to place and plant all of the planters. They will be ready in time for the Memorial Day Parade.

* Elise Springstroh (Part-time, seasonal employee of Doty Island Development Council) - Elise has done a great job maintaining the planters during the summer months for the last few years. She weeds, waters and fertilizes.

* Mike Brazee and Dallas Brazee (Brazee's ACE Hardware) - Our source for anything planter-related. They also provide water for the entire summer for the planters.

* Shelly and Ken Baeten (Shellattes Coffee and Tea) - Provide drinks to our CUCC volunteers on the day they fill the planter boxes. They also provide water for the entire summer for the planters.

* Community First Credit Union - Provides water for the entire summer for the planters.


In addition to all of the community volunteers listed above, sponsors also donate to DIDC to help offset the cost of the plants, dirt, fertilizer and labor. Every flower box receives a small sign noting the sponsor of that specific flower box. The sponsor's signs are being added to the boxes in the next couple of days. THANK YOU to our sponsors:

  1. Theresa Granados - In the Roots

  2. The Kelly Padghams

  3. Neenah-Menasha YMCA

  4. Ron & Lynnette Klatt

  5. In Memory of Norbert Zoltowski

  6. Zickler Family

  7. Congregational United Church of Christ

  8. St. Thomas Church

  9. Storm - The Lawn Pro

  10. The Bruno Family - In Memory of Mamily

  11. Neenah Club

  12. Brazee's ACE Hardware

  13. Evergreen Credit Union

  14. Jeff Lendrum

  15. In Memory of Butter Rum Burt (Shellattes)

  16. Kay Salon

  17. Regency Wealth Management, LLC

  18. In Memory of Peggy Dalberto

  19. Mark Mayer - Century 21 ACE Realty

  20. Bellwether Interior Design

  21. Michele Lynn

  22. In Memory of Debbie Pickett

  23. The Probst Family

  24. Junko Schifferl


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