One Month to Rummage Sales!
If you are thinking about hosting a rummage sale on Doty Island on Saturday, June 10th, let us know! Below are dates to be aware of, registration links, and a list of things you can do to help our event be a success.
Register your sale:
Email us at
Complete our Google Form ( We will update our website accordingly.
Dates to be aware of:
Monday, May 29 - Neenah News Ad cutoff (if we choose to take an ad out in Neenah News)
Thursday, June 1st - Cut off day to be added to the Doty Island Maps.
Wednesday, June 7th - Cut off date to add/modify listings to the Doty Island website.
What you can do to help:
Put up a few signs of your own to help direct customers to your address.
Encourage your neighbors to participate. Attendees like to go where there are clusters of sales to walk to.
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