Do you have hostas to donate to our new Hosta Garden? Do you have 2 hours this Wednesday (June 21) at 6pm to help plant and water the donated hostas? Merrie Schamberger, a Doty Island Resident, is volunteering to lead the installment and maintenance of a Hosta Garden under the large waterfront tree at the end of Nicolet Boulevard. If you have hostas and/or time to donate please contact Merrie! Her email is:
City of Menasha and City of Neenah are also donating mulch for the gardens so we are looking for a few volunteers to bring your wheelbarrows to help spread the mulch. Please let Merrie know if you have 2 hours to help beautify the Nicolet waterfront area. If you need volunteer hours, this project qualifies! The Doty Island Development Council will sign the necessary paperwork.
We hope to see you Wednesday night!