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Register Your Sale Today!


There's less than 3 weeks until our big annual Rummage Sale on Doty Island (June 17th). Clean out your garage, closets, attics and don't forget the old holiday decorations! Encourage your neighbors to register their rummage sale too - because the more STARS in an area on the map, the better traffic you may have. The map attached to this ShoutOut shows the current registered sales.

Have you registered your sale yet? We will be sending the newspapers everyone's addresses on Tuesday, June 13th to run in Thursday's, Friday's, and Saturday's papers. If you register after that, your home will still be listed on the map with a description, but you will not be in the newspaper. The majority of the $10 registration fee goes to the cost of the newspaper ads - last year the ad was over $250! The rest of your registration fee is put towards the printing of the Rummage Sale maps and water bottles for your customers. Here's the link for registering your sale: CLICK HERE

If you are looking for good tips on how to appeal to your customers, check out this great article: CLICK HERE

Have fun with your rummage sale!

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