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Dancing Fundraiser for Doty Island!

For the first time in many years, we are hosting a fundraiser! It's going to be so much fun! We have partnered with dance experts and local businesses to offer you an inexpensive fun night out. For one $15 ticket - or $25 for two - you can receive 1.5 hours of Ballroom Dance lessons by Boogie Ballroom (Neenah) and Valley Social (Appleton) at the historic Menasha Memorial Building followed by 2 1/2 hours of open dancing and food. Quest Photography will be taking pictures throughout the evening and pictures will be available for purchase. It all starts at 7pm on Saturday, April 22nd. Mark it on your calendar!

We are offering a limited number of tickets - 200 to be exact - due to the capacity of the building. The event is being held on the SECOND FLOOR of the Memorial Building. Please note, there is no elevator - only stairs.

You can purchase your tickets at local retailers. In Neenah, Boogie Ballroom, Kay's Salon, and Shellattes have tickets for purchase. In Menasha, Luigi's Pizza, La Belle Maison, and Renewed & Reclaimed are selling tickets. Please note, the local retailers only allow cash or check for ticket purchases. If you prefer to use a credit/debit card, please visit our website at to use PayPal. Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the event for cash or check only.

All money raised will be used to fund permanent, metal banners for Doty Island (yet to be designed!). The banners are planned to be placed along 27 light poles along Washington Street and Commercial Street.

If you have any questions concerning the event, please contact us at our email or call Jacy at (920)479-0894.

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