Neighborhood Music in Menasha & Appleton
For the next four weeks, Menasha and Appleton neighborhoods are hosting "Music on the Porch". You'll have the opportunity to check out four different residential neighborhoods as you walk from porch to porch listening to the musical acts.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 8 - Jefferson Park Neighborhood is hosting Porchapolooza from 6pm - 8pm. Check out their Facebook page for the musical lineup.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 - Hart Park Neighborhood is hosting Harmony on the Porch on the streets around Hart Park from 6pm - 8pm. Their Facebook page is HPN-Hart Park Neighborhood.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 24 - Doty Island Neighborhood (Smith Park, Menasha) is hosting PorchFest from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. Check out their map of musicians at This year they have dedicated the playground to kids - there will be a kids-friendly band, the historic caboose will be open for tours, a face painter and balloon animal creator will be crafting their wares from 5:30-7:30. Get there early!
TUESDAY, AUGUST 29 - As an added bonus, Historic Central Neighborhood Appleton is hosting Porchfest from 5:30 to 8:30pm. No, they are not in Menasha, but if you enjoy the neighborhood music gigs, check this one out. Their porchbands are located near Columbus School. They will also have t-shirts for sale as well.
