sHopsotch in Downtown Menasha
Downtown Menasha's businesses are joining together this Saturday (Nov 24) for sHOPSCOTCH, a new event in which shoppers have the opportunity to check out new businesses and earn raffle tickets. Twenty businesses are participating - which means you have 20 free raffle tickets to pick up! Plus, you earn one additional raffle ticket for every $10 you spend at the business.
To get the free raffle tickets, you need a game board! Print off this email/posting and bring it with you. The businesses are listed in order from one end of Main Street to the other! The business will mark off their sHOPSCOTCH square when you receive your free ticket. When you purchase food/drinks/items in their business, the cashier will give you the additional tickets you've earned.
What's the prize you ask? You have the opportunity to win one of four $50 gift cards from the business(es) you visited. For instance, if we draw your name and the ticket was from Nelson & Co., you win a $50 gift card from Nelson & Co. So, it's a win for both you and the business!
The drawing will be held at 6:15pm at Tayco Tap. The businesses will be dropping off their raffle tickets at 6pm. Feel free to join us. Winners will be posted on the Downtown Menasha Facebook Page. Here's the link: