Help Us to Advance Menasha!
As the City of Menasha continues to develop a Downtown Vision Plan designed to guide revitalization efforts of Downtown Menasha as it relates primarily to future land-uses, we continue to encourage public input and collaboration. An OPEN HOUSE is scheduled for next TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10TH, giving the public an opportunity to review and comment on the Downtown Vision Plan’s overall goals, several alternative future land use maps, and priority redevelopment areas. Land Use alternative boards and other visuals will be displayed to view at your leisure with staff available to answer questions and take comments. With a brief ½ hour presentation by our Consultant Team taking place at 5:30 pm, the Community is encouraged to stop in anytime between 11:00 am to 1:00 pm or between 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
Strong community support and active public participation leads to the success and implementation of any planning effort. Attached is a flyer for the open house. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me at 920-367-3650 or email at Hope to see you there and please feel free to share this email with anyone that may have an interest in guiding the future of Downtown Menasha.
For more information about the overall process please visit the project website: