Small Business Saturday (Downtown Menasha)
Sixteen downtown Menasha businesses are participating in Small Business Saturday sales! Before you start visiting the businesses, print off your entry form or stop by the alley between Wild Apple and Your Daily Grind to pick one up. We will also be handing out free hot apple cider, pens, and Small Business Saturday memorabilia (while supplies last). If you would like to save time, print your own entry form. CLICK HERE TO PRINT THE ENTRY FORM.
How this program works:
Visit the participating businesses listed on the entry form and have them mark this form as you visit them on Saturday, November 25th. Collect SIX signatures on the entry form to enter for Downtown Menasha's Holiday Drawing for a chance to win one of four $20 Gift Certificates from the business of your choice. No purchase necessary! Leave the completed form with any of the businesses listed on the entry form. Don't forget to write YOUR name and email on the back of the entry form so that we can contact you when you win! Winners will be drawn on Sunday, November 26th and winners will be notified via the email address provided.